Use "muddy|muddied|muddies|muddying" in a sentence

1. So he muddies the water.

2. That's when the patterns muddied.

3. The storm muddied the fields.

4. She had muddied her white dress.

5. The rain muddied my nice new suede boots.

6. Industrial activity has muddied the river.

7. Overseas the legal issues are more muddied.

8. The first blow muddied his head.

9. These data would have muddied the prediction.

10. Certain muddied ideas found currency among many people.

11. His new grey jacket was torn and muddied.

12. Her own parents had muddied those waters irremediably.

13. The issue is muddied by the politics of war.

14. Synonyms for Befouls include dirties, soils, stains, fouls, muddies, blackens, smudges, sullies, begrimes and daubs

15. Synonyms for Bemires include soils, stains, daubs, dirties, mucks, muddies, sullies, befouls, besmirches and fouls

16. Don't get your shoes muddy!

17. Don't muddy your new shoes.

18. The muddy water cleared slowly.

19. He is not muddy —yet.

20. The muddy water slowly cleared.

21. The muddy roads impede our journey.

22. Synonyms for Bemiring include soiling, staining, daubing, dirtying, mucking, muddying, sullying, befouling, besmirching and fouling

23. Synonyms for Bespattering include spattering, splattering, splashing, muddying, smearing, bedaubing, befouling, begriming, flecking and marking

24. Synonyms for Beclouds include obscures, muddies, confuses, obfuscates, blurs, clouds, confounds, mystifies, perplexes and puzzles

25. Synonyms for Befouling include dirtying, soiling, staining, fouling, muddying, blackening, smudging, sullying, begriming and daubing

26. Synonyms for Begriming include dirtying, fouling, soiling, staining, daubing, mucking, muddying, sullying, befouling and bemiring

27. Synonyms for Beclouding include obscuring, muddying, confusing, obfuscating, blurring, clouding, confounding, mystifying, perplexing and puzzling

28. She deliberately muddied the waters by constantly referring to other irrelevant cases.

29. Crabs scuttle along the muddy bank.

30. And it stinks, and it's muddy.

31. The muddy road careened the truck.

32. 18 Ducks and geese are stripping the shoreline of vegetation, triggering erosion that muddies the shallow lake.

33. He slumped there on the wet street, coat muddied and stained.

34. The ground still smelled of rain and they muddied their shoes.

35. I was driving along a muddy path.

36. The ground was still very muddy.

37. Don't bring those muddy boots inside!

38. Our horses plodded down the muddy track.

39. This Boombox uses dual 2W speakers to provide thumping bass without isolating or muddying the treble at all

40. Look, you've made the floor all muddy!

41. Had the muddy weed really hit its mark?

42. 17 They moved slowly along the muddy footpath.

43. Barclaycard and Lloyds Bank muddied the waters even more by offering tiered rates.

44. Labourers plodded home through the muddy fields.

45. These are great shoes for muddy weather.

46. The spectroscopic data muddy the picture further.

47. He ran out into the street, his soaked shoes splashing water over his trousers, muddying his coat.

48. We all got a bit muddy and wet.

49. 12 She deliberately muddied the waters by constantly referring to other irrelevant cases.

50. The rain had made the football pitch extremely muddy.

51. I tripped and fell into a muddy ditch.

52. We wiped our muddy feet on the doormat.

53. We sluiced the muddy wheels with a hose.

54. If you get muddy, you will be punished.”

55. Your shoes are in a fine muddy state.

56. He spotted the carpet with his muddy boots.

57. For the Bilinear downsampling, things get a bit muddy.

58. Anent this muddy toilet bowl, while kindred intellects evoke

59. The misuse of Averages reduces rather than betters understanding, confuses rather than clarifies and muddies scientific and policy decisions

60. The ground was muddy and uneven, but we toiled on.

61. We drove along a muddy lane to reach the farmhouse.

62. He left a trail of muddy footprints behind him.

63. To soil with mire; dirty or muddy: Bemired clothing

64. To soil with mire; dirty or muddy: Bemired clothing.

65. 5 The arena was scarred by deep muddy ruts.

66. We followed the tyre tracks across a muddy field.

67. The streets were the muddy, haphazard spaces in between.

68. Heron like the gently sloping muddy sides of canals.

69. Please help me to draw off these muddy boots.

70. There are as yet no tracks through the drifts, no muddied slush in the roads.

71. Large stone blocks are set as stepping stones for pedestrians to cross without becoming muddied.

72. Ill-treated hobgoblins can cause strife and discord, though, souring milk(sentence dictionary), tangling clothes and muddying floors for spite.

73. This lake is now totally dried, and very muddy and salty.

74. Burghemot Boots all muddy with us! Ship ashore before dawn

75. Look at the plebs! Getting all muddy! Haw haw haw!

76. Boggy definition: Boggy land is very wet and muddy land

77. Katine said he hopes the muddied waters can be cleared up by the U.S. Supreme Court soon.

78. As verbs the difference between muddy and Bemire is that muddy is to get mud on (something) while Bemire is to soil (or be soiled) with mud

79. Another word for Boggy: marshy, muddy, waterlogged, spongy, swampy Collins English Thesaurus

80. We wore rubber boots in order to tramp through the muddy roads.